Hi dear visitor
I am Jernej Zupančič. I am interested in applying data and data manipulation to solve real world problems.
My interests
This includes getting the data from A to B, transforming it, enriching it with other sources, slicing and dicing it, in a way that is most helpful to the final user, be it an internal team in your organization or a customer. When the data is ready I can also utilize artificial intelligence to bring added value through data applications, machine learning, data science and computational intelligence. To do that well, I am also interested in software development in general and strive to apply best software engineering practices in any organization I work with.
My work experience
I began my work experience during the college days by mentoring and tutoring in introductory computer-related courses at Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana. I first dipped toes into more serious programming while at Jožef Stefan Institute, where I worked within the Department of intelligent systems. There I cooperated with colleagues in deploying smart and also not so smart solutions in several domains - tourism, customer support, steel casting, smart cities, smart houses, etc. I've applied machine learning, data visualization, single- and multi-objective optimization methods to solve real and real-like problems.
During that time I came to like technology that enables one to do a lot quickly. This includes Python, Docker, Linux, git, PostgreSQL and even a little bit of Javascript.
I am currently a freelancer, doing various tasks that include data wrangling and coming up with algorithms to elegantly solve real world problems (hint, it is not always deep learning).
Here is my CV, if you are into such things.
Have a good day!